Donate to Digital ToriesAs a voluntary organisation, we rely on membership fees and donations to continue to run fantastic events and essential digital campaign training for free. Did you know, the official birthday of the internet is 1983, so we're asking if you can...

“Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) are here to stay. The UK must be at the forefront of this shift in the economic paradigm”
Can anyone deny anymore that blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) are here to stay? There is a thin surface of headline-grabbing news relating to crime, scams and hacks which try to detract from what can only be seen as one of the greatest technological...

The UK’s crypto-economy can kickstart a digital revolution – we must seize the opportunity
By Simon Jennings, Executive Director of the UK Cryptoasset Business Council We are on the cusp of a digital revolution. The use of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies has exploded in recent years. There is a paradigm shift happening right in front of us...
Digital Tories at Conservative Party Conference 2022
At Digital Tories, one of our core objectives is to look to the future. As the country continues through a time of unprecedented change, we have been working hard to ensure that Conservative Party members stay at the centre of policy discussions on...

New Digital Tories Team Announced
Digital Tories have announced their new team to drive forward their vision to ensure the digital agenda has a prominent position on the political ladder. Confirmed at their AGM, the campaigning group welcomes the following into these key roles: Co-directors - Alice...

Schools must provide safe tech learning
Youngsters just need to feel comfortable with technology. Schools have a key role to play by providing safe and dynamic learning environments.

Digital campaigning is here to stay
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. But the future of any political campaign must at its core focus on digital, writes Has Ahmed

Digital campaigning has never been more important in 2021
In a COVID world, digital campaigning has never been more important, as was demonstrated in the recent local elections.

Improving our mental health: How tech can help
When it comes to technology and nature, it does not have to be one or the other when protecting and improving our mental health.

Instagram, the marketplace that never closes
Whilst the pandemic forced shops to close and staff to be furloughed, Instagram opened doors for many people to create small businesses from the comfort of their homes. Just within my network, friends started cake making businesses, some have been selling candles and...