Digital Tories have announced their new team to drive forward their vision to ensure the digital agenda has a prominent position on the political ladder.

Confirmed at their AGM, the campaigning group welcomes the following into these key roles:

Co-directors – Alice Hopkin & Pierre Andrews
Head of Policy – Eve Lugg
Head of Comms – Laura Emily Dunn
Editor – Christine Wallace
Head of Events and Social Media – Sarah-Jane Sewell
Head of Membership – Toby Byfield
Head of IT – Patrick Timms
Head of Digital Campaigning – Holly Whitbread

Digital Tories are focused on pushing the digital agenda up the political ladder, building a pipeline of technologists at all levels of politics and creating a home for digitally-minded activists.

Founded in 2019, the group has hosted panel events with Ministers, Councillors, ambassadors and tech companies, and has recently hosted a hackathon. It will shortly be announcing its full programme of events for Conservative Party Conference.