Launch Event – Sponsored by Mobile UK

Virtual Zoom

Guest speakers: Damian Collins MP, former Chair of the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee Jeremy Wright MP, former Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Gareth Elliott, Head of Policy and Communications at Mobile UK Lord Jim Bethell, Minister for Innovation at the Department of Health and Social […]

Panel on Online Harms

Virtual Zoom

Guest speakers: Ruth Edwards MP, member of the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee Andy Burrows, Head of Child Safety Online Policy Samuel Cunningham, Chief Executive Officer of PoliMonitor The panellists will talk about online anonymity, future online harms regulation, and how we can protect children and adults from abuse.

Panel on Cyber-Security and the Integrated Review

Virtual Zoom

Guest speakers: James Cleverly MP, Minister for Middle East and North Africa at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Dr Danny Steed, Research Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society The panellists will discuss the recently published Integrated Review, and in particular how it proposes to upgrade the UK's cyber-resilience.

Did Digital Save the Campaign from Covid?

Virtual Zoom

Join DigitalTories on Zoom to discuss the impact of Covid restrictions on local election campaigns over the past year, and how digital campaigning might just have saved the day. Panel Sarah-Jane Sewell | DigitalTories Head of Events (Moderator) Thomas Borwick | Founder of Kanto Systems & Former CTO of Vote Leave Louise Calland | LB Wandsworth Councillor […]

Defending Democracy Online

Conservative Party Conference Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Join DigitalTories at Conservative Party Conference 2021 to discuss how we can defend democracy online About this event Join DigitalTories at Conservative Party Conference 2021! Join our excellent panel to discuss how we can defend democracy online in age of cancel culture. Pierre Andrews (DigitalTories) David Dinsmore (News UK) Dr Alan Mendoza (Henry Jackson Society) Poppy […]

Privacy vs Innovation? What’s next for digital governance?

Conservative Party Conference Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Privacy vs Innovation? What's next for Digital Governance? In partnership with BT Group at Conservative Party Conference About this event Join DigitalTories at Conservative Party Conference 2021! In Partnership with BT Group, join our excellent panel to discuss what is next for Digital Governance. Alice Hopkin (DigitalTories) Alex Towers (BT Group) Daniel Korski (PUBLIC) Charlotte Holloway (Zoom) Damian Collins […]

The Importance of Digital Campaigns

Conservative Party Conference Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Join Digital Tories at Conservative Party Conference to discuss the importance of digital campaigns About this event Join Digital Tories and our excellent panel for an insightful discussion on the importance of digital campaigns on future elections. Panel Alice Hopkin DigitalTories (Moderator) Thomas Borwick College Green Group Cllr Holly Whitbread Essex County Council and Conservative Young Women Cllr Mario […]


Conservative Party Conference Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Protecting free markets is a core principle of modern Conservatism. As the Government plans to rewrite the rules on how digital markets work, we've assembled a panel of business leaders to discuss what changes will allow the digital economy to truly flourish. Panellists include: CHAIR Pierre Andrews (Digital Tories), Alex Blowers (CityFibre), Camilla de Coverly Veale (Coedec), Drew […]



Conservative Party Conference Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Britain has a proud democratic history, based on freedom of speech, free and fair elections, and freedom from oppression. But in the age of social media, our panel of experts ask: what is a Conservative response to increasing threats, from hostile actors and malign algorithms? Panellists include: Pierre Andrews (DigitalTories) CHAIR, Parth Patel (IPPR), Alex Stepney (News UK), […]



The technology industry is ever-evolving, and striving to inspire more women into the sector. Join us, as well as TalkTalk General Manager Susie Buckridge and our parliamentary patron Ruth Edwards MP, to meet and women and network with women in tech and celebrate a bright future for the industry together.Time/date: Monday 3 October. 6pm to 7.30pmLocation: Castle Fine Art, ICC Birmingham […]


CPC22 | Panel: Why ending digital poverty will enable the levelling up of forgotten communities

Conservative Party Conference Hyatt Regency, Birmingham, United Kingdom

One in five children lack the device they need to connect to online educational tools.  1.5m people are totally offline, and ten times that number – nearly 15m – lack basic digital skills even though 82% of jobs need them.  How can we work at a local level to get more people digitally connected, which […]


Britons are leaders in advertising, digital, journalism, marketing, PR and publishing at both home and abroad.In celebration of our achievements and with a look ahead to what the future might have in store, we invite representatives to our inaugural Industry Leader's Reception. Drinks and canapés served. Kindly supported by the News Media Association, Opinium, Pagefield, PRCA and TechUK.Time/date: Tuesday 4 […]
